Thursday, June 1, 2006

$3000 Give-Away Starts Today at Wholesale Furniture Brokers!

Starting today, as long as you own a domain, blog, or forum, you can participate in our ‘Volunteer Advertising’ contest for a $3000 grand prize at Wholesale Furniture Brokers. Use your creative abilities to advertise GoWFB ( ) by linking back to our website better than any other person. It’s that easy! The contest begins today and ends August 31, 2006.

Here is a quote from our latest press release:
“I think this is an exciting new way for WFB to share the creative advertising talents of Webmasters, Bloggers, and SEO Marketers. With the advertising help of the entire internet community, WFB could soon be a household name as they continue to lead the online furniture store market.” says marketing director Matt Holmes.

View our full press release on

Check out our contest page for more information! You can even call us toll free at (866) 595-8930 or email if you have any questions regarding our new contest.

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