Monday, March 16, 2009

NHFA Announces New Consumer Website to Help Boost Sales in Home Furnishings

The National Home Furnishings Association will launch, its new Web portal, this fall. This is expected to provide an opportunity for home furnishing retailers across the U.S. and Canada to boost their sales through the Web.

Launching the new website will come with a national online furniture sweepstakes promotion to initially generate consumer traffic. This will be followed by a national media and online campaign starting January, 2010.
"Our goal is to influence consumers to view home furnishings as a necessary part of their lives and spur business for the whole industry," says NHFA Chairman Doug Kays. He furthered that aside from helping consumers find furnishings that matches their tastes and lifestyles, more importantly, it will let them find a "certified retailer" that will provide them the products they want as well as the level of service that they are expecting.

Proceeds from the website will be used to conduct a nationwide ad campaign which will guide consumers to and also to certified retailers. Certified retailers will pay a fraction of their sales to cover the costs for national media campaigns.

Informational seminars about the program are scheduled on April 26 and 27, 2009 at 9 am., 11 a.m., and 2 p.m. at the new Retailer Resource Center on the first floor of Plaza Suites. These seminars will point out helpful strategies for retailers on how to reach their goals of increasing website traffic resulting to sales increase.

Chairman Doug Kays says that although they don't require reservations for the seminar, space, however, is limited.

Read the full article here.

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