Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Fairmont Designs' New Logo Reflects Environmental Awareness

To commemorate its 25 years of producing furniture, Fairmont Designs launched its new logo on January 1, 2009 as an indication of its environmental awareness.

The new logo consists of the company's initials, FD, which forms a unique leaf-like symbol to indicate their green initiatives. A few of their green practices include the usage of wood scraps and sawdust for energy, recycled water for manufacturing, switching to water-based finishes, disallowing certain types of plastics in its offices, and refraining from using rainforest timber or endangered wood species in its furniture production.

The new Fairmont Designs logo also displays the tagline "Furnishing Imagination" which reflects its commitment to provide "creative furnishing solutions" for all its customers including designers, retailers, and end users.

Company Chairman, George Tsai says that this logo will not be a mere image, but will serve as a mirror of their environmentally friendly actions.

"We work together to bring strength to our new brand and this is what distinguishes us from others. The perception of Fairmont Designs must evolve to that of a socially responsible provider of services, rather than just a manufacturer."

The new logo, according to Tsai, will represent their company for the next 25 years.

Fairmont Designs began its environmental campaign by carefully practicing the 3Ps, People, Process, and Product in all its business procedures. They started by making their employees realize the economic and health benefits of achieving environmental goals. Their production process is carefully monitored to generate safer products.

The new company logo now appears on their website, stationery, product catalogs, advertisements, buildings, and warehouses. You can now see the new logo on all products available on the Wholesale Furniture Brokers' website.

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